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This is the help / documentation for the Power ultrasonics Sonotrode Calculator, version 0.1 (October 2004)
This online calculator automates some simple calculations relating to the design of ultrasonic components - notably sonotrodes (horns) and boosters (interstage horns). The intention is not to provide a comprehensive solution to the design of ultrasonics components (I don't believe that would be a practical proposition anyway) but rather to offer a starting point for new designs and an educational tool for newcomers to ultrasonics.
A complete, successful sonotrode design will still require expert advice, perhaps finite element analysis (FEA) and most likely a series of prototypes - see the disclaimer.
While accepting these limitations I plan to develop the calculator to be as useful as possible, with more shapes and not-so-simple calculations to come (more details). If you'd like to request development in any particular direction please contact me.
During development the calculator is available to all free of charge, but at some stage I may apply restrictions to advanced analysis options, requiring registration and / or payment of a subscription charge.
Top of pageThis version of the calculator provides 3 analysis options:
Plans are afoot to add many more analyses to the calculator - see Proposed developments.
Top of pageDepending on the analysis you select you will usually need to enter some numerical data about your analysis eg. to calculate the axial-mode tuned length of a rod sonotrode you will need to enter the working frequency and rod diameter. You enter data in the white text fields that appear on the left side of the calculator once the analysis, material and shapes have been selected.
Note that the calculator is designed to operate in several different units. A list of available units is shown just to the right of the input field. The units listed will be only those appropriate to the particular input (and if the input happens to be dimensionless there is no choice of units).
The calculator converts between different units automatically, so for example if you have a length specified as 125 mm and you change the unit selector to inches the value will change to 4.92125 in.
Note that this has implications when you first define an input value - you need to set your chosen units first and then enter the numerical value, which is a little counter-intuitive!
For your convenience, once you have chosen units for each input the calculator will remember your choices for the rest of the session.
After setting up your input data select Calculate -> Go from the menu to recalculate (perform the calculation). Your results will then be shown below the input data. The text fields used have a pale blue background and cannot be changed directly.
As for the inputs, you can choose units for the numerical results and the values will change accordingly. The values and units shown on the graph image will also be updated the next time you recalculate.
Finally towards the bottom left of the calculator a list of unit conversion factors is shown. These select menus are for information only - really just a compact way of displaying lists of data - and changing the value selected will make no difference to the calculator.
To view the formulae used in these calculations first select your analysis options and then click Help -> Formulae. This gives the formulas used and the assumptions behind them. I sadly decided to display these using images - I don't think there is yet enough MathML support out there!
Top of pageThe formulae used here include some simplifying assumptions (eg. plane stress) that may not accurately represent a real-world sonotrode. Furthermore ultrasonic components in the real world are subject to many sources of variation that cannot be included here, eg. differences between nominal and actual material properties and the presence of other (unwanted) modes of vibration. Experts with specialist knowledge will be able to predict some of these problems and allow for others, possibly leading to a quite different design than the one that this program would suggest.
Therefore NO RESPONSIBILITY IS ACCEPTED FOR THE ACCURACY OF RESULTS PRODUCED BY THIS CALCULATOR, OR THEIR SUITABILITY FOR ANY PURPOSE. All users are strongly advised to verify both the input information and results, and to take expert advice on other issues that may affect the functioning of ultrasonic components.
Top of pageYou're welcome to place a link to the calculator on your web site, subject only to the condition that you must not claim it as your own, place it inside a frame on your site or in any way claim or imply that you produced it. Some example links are shown below - to use any of these just cut and paste the code from the box on the right into your page. Alternatively feel free to adapt these or create your own link if you prefer.
Sonotrode Calculator from PowerUltrasonics | |
![]() |
The calculator as seen here comprises two parts, available and licensed separately:
If you want a calculator to perform other calculations you can use the calculator engine either with or without my standard copyright notices (licensing fee applies to use without copyright notices). Then you can create the calculation files yourself using the sonotrode calculations as a model, or I will prepare them for you to your specifications (this work to be on a consultancy basis). In either case you would own the resulting proprietary calculation data files.
The following prices apply to licensing the calculator. These may change without notice - please contact me for a current quote:
Using the calculator engine complete with copyright notices and links (you may change colours, graphics etc. provided you don't obscure the copyright notices) | Free |
Using the calculator engine with copyright notices and links removed | US$250 per web site |
Using your own calculation files (non-ultrasonics applications) | Free |
Using my calculation files for sonotrode analysis, including one year's free upgrades | US$250 per web site |
Preparation of calculation files for a new application (consultancy) | Quote on request |
Installation of calculator with any of the above options on your web server (subject to server specifications) | US$50 |
If you have any questions about licensing or other requests please ask.
The calculator in its present form is a server-side application - all the important processing is done on the web server. This makes it ideal for cases where you want to offer a calculation service to your clients and web-site visitors without giving them full access to the program (unlike for example spreadsheets or Java applets). However this also means that it can't be installed on your desktop computer and run like other applications (at least not unless you're prepared to install a web server and perl first). I may develop a standalone version but it's not presently on the list of proposed developments. If you want to convince me there's a demand for this then please contact me!
Top of pageThe calculator requires that you have javascript turned on to operate the menus. If you are working on a company computer please ask your tech support staff how to enable javascript for this site. If this option isn't available to you, and you're using Microsoft Internet Explorer, you will need to "Enable Active Scripting" - an option to be found under Tools -> Internet Options -> Security -> Custom Level. And if that gets you concerned about the security of your computer (which it should!) then you could add powerultrasonics.com to your "Trusted sites" zone, while leaving more restrictive security settings in place for the "Internet Zone". Or perhaps you should consider upgrading to a better browser, like Mozilla Firefox
Top of pageThe image uses the relatively new SVG (scalable vector graphics) format. If you don't see the image on the right side of the calculator (or the animation above) you will need to download a "Plugin" program to allow your browser to display this format. The SVG links section offers links to suitable plugins from Adobe and more information about the format.
Top of pageIf in your browser the image above shows blue jumbled text and no animated circular "Powerultrasonics.com" you're probably using the built-in SVG support that comes standard with recent versions of Mozilla and Firefox. Unfortunately this lacks many useful functions including special fonts and animation, so is unable to show the images correctly, but the result may be usable. For full support including animation of the sonotrode's distorted shape the only solution I have found is to disable the built-in SVG engine and use the Adobe version 6.0 preview 1 plugin from July 2003. This is not a solution I find acceptable (Adobe describe this version as "pre-alpha") but it's the only one I've found that works - any other suggestions welcome. At the time of writing the current release version of the Adobe SVG plugin is 3.03 which works with MSIE but not with Firefox. If you wish to follow this solution (at your own risk) please see the SVG links section for instructions.
Top of pageFor most HTML elements the z-index property (or in its absence the order in which they are defined) dictates which one overlays the other. However for most browsers this doesn't work with embedded objects such as Flash animations and SVG graphics - they always appear on top of any positioned HTML elements. This makes it practically impossible to get menus to appear on top of such graphics (and menus hidden below the image are of very little use!) so until any other solution emerges I'm hiding the graphics whenever the menus are activated. If anyone can suggest a better solution I'd be happy to implement it.
Top of page
0.1b Improved separation of engine and application, created Sonotrode plugin
0.1c Added animation
0.1d Added version history
0.1a First release version
0.1b Improved separation of engine and application, improved css, fixed Mozilla menu problem
0.1c Added animation
0.1d Added version history, separated js, css files